dark funeral- attera totus sanctus cd review

dark funerals latest, attera totus sanctus, is extreme black metal at its best. blazing speed, the dark funeral way, this is solid black, caligulas vocals are straight from hell, he screams like no one else, and the production is excellent. opening track king antichrist is hellish fire exploding from the bowels of hell, this song sets the pace, and 666 voices inside rips on from there. the emperors singing on this is gut wrenching, like the voices are actually talking through him. lord ahriman & chaq mol blister the fret boards here, & matte modin pounds as if his life depends on it. the tempo never lets up. attera totus sanctus, rides the crimson wave of flames, while the tempo is unrelenting, its more than the title track, its a testament to one who has truly gone to the dark side. godhate is a horn fest, anti-christian lyrics, & insane speed takes through ancient israel, walk with jesus & you can almost feel the nails. atrum regina is a midpaced love song, satanic love is no different than other love, except its real nasty, fucking hail! angel flesh impaled says it all, grab a bloody feather for me. feed on the mortals is grave exploding energy, tales of terror the vampire way. this might be my least favorite song, but it still rips, & is a good lead in to the final ritual. which in my opinion is the best song, it starts out like the first song, & builds to a genuine black metal climax. truly dynamic, if you arent headbanging to this, your a pantera fan. their best yet, this is a solid 6 cross cd here, extreme black metal from sweden. hail! -l- -l- -l- -l- -l- -l-